
Phoenix Wright: Ace Fighter Pilot - 7

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Literature Text

Chapter 7:
General Quarters


            “How do like being a pilot?” NCIS Special Agent Bobby Fullbright said and he smiled at Phoenix in a way that made Phoenix cringe in his seat.

            “I like it,” Phoenix said.

            “I bet it’s ruined this for you,” Fullbright said and he laughed at his comment.

            Phoenix sat back in his seat and stared out of the window.  He didn’t mind passenger planes.  It’s not like he could sign out an F-18 and fly it home.  Passenger planes were a necessary evil.

            “What’s going to happen to me?” Phoenix said, low, so that only Fullbright could hear him.

            “I have no idea,” the NCIS Agent laughed, “I’m supposed to get you to Norfolk, that’s all I know.”

            “Do you like doing this?” Phoenix asked.

            “Doing what?  My job?” Fullbright looked at him incredulously, “I love my job.”

            Phoenix paced the corridor frowning.  They’d made him put on a uniform, NWU’s and he was allowed to go into the barracks.  An MA guarded the door leading outside and another the door to his room.

            He wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone and he wasn’t allowed to call anyone.  He waited for hours in his room or the corridor beyond until Commander Armando came to see him.

            There was a woman with him, another Lieutenant Commander, but she was a staff officer—Legal.

            “Afternoon,” Armando said, “How are you holding up?”

            “I’m fine,” Phoenix said, “I wish I knew what was going on, but other than that…  I’m kind of hungry too.”

            The female commander held out her hand, “My name is Mia Fey, I’m going to be the defense council—“

            “Commander Fey,” Armando said with a wry smile, “He doesn’t even know what he’s in for.”

            She looked shocked.

            “He hasn’t been formally charged yet,” Commander Armando said, “But we’re about to release him to the brig.”

            She nodded firmly.

            Commander Armando smiled at her, relax kitten, none of this stuff is new.

            Phoenix had to pack his bag and when that was done, an MA took it away, and then they handcuffed him.  Commander Fey seemed to be watching him scrupulously.

            They sat in his room and waited, him, handcuffed and now, shackled too.  Both Commanders hovering near the door.  An MA standing over him.

            Phoenix wondered where Larry was, and if he knew that this was going on.

            Finally, Phoenix looked at his Commander, “Commander Armando, sir,” he said, “Is Doug really dead?”

            Commander Armando closed his eyes and then looked away.  Commander Fey looked at Phoenix with a frown.



    “Yes…  Hello Dahlia,” she sounded stuffy, like she’d been crying.

    “Where the hell have you been!  I’ve been trying to call you!”

    “I’m s-s-sorry,” Iris whimpered, “I’m so scared…”

    “Do you know why Phoenix won’t answer his phone?”

    “I told you, those people arrested him,” Iris said, “They came here yesterday to ask questions.”

    “What kind of questions?”

    “They asked me if I knew someone named Doug Swallow.  If I knew of any enemies that Phoenix had—“

    “What did you tell them about Doug?”

    “Nothing!  I don’t know anyone named—“

    “Stop crying!  You useless biddy,” Dahlia said, “What else?”

    “Th-they gave me their card,” Iris said, “Did you want that number?”

    “Why would I—“ Dahlia had a sudden epiphany, “Actually, yes.  Give me that number.”



    “Do you remember me from a few nights ago?” Commander Fey asked, she smiled prettily at him before taking a seat across from him.

    Phoenix only nodded somberly, arms crossed and head down.

    “Like I said the other day, I’m going to be your defense council in this court martial,” Fey said, “Kind of like your lawyer.”

    Phoenix stared at her.

    “Um…  How about we start with…?  Um…  can you tell me what happened?”

    “Nothing happened,” Phoenix said, “I was still having eye problems so I was kind of down that night and I sat in the common room watching TV.  Then I went to bed and the next day Larry took me to the airport.”

    “Do you remember what was on television?”

    “No,” Phoenix said, “I wasn’t really watching, because I couldn’t see.”

    “Hmm…  How about…  How long have you known Doug Swallow?”

    “Maybe six months,” Phoenix said.

    “Would you say you were close?”

    “Not really, he was one of the more senior guys in the squadron and I’m kind of new, so we didn’t talk a lot.  But we talked sometimes.”

    “Is there any reason why you’d want to see Doug Swallow dead?”

    “I didn’t kill him!”

    “I know,” Fey said, “But I need to make sure we’re not blindsided by a motive later on.”

    Phoenix frowned, “I never had a problem with him.  He was a pretty nice guy.”

    “Have you ever had any problems with the other officers in the squadron?”

    Phoenix hesitated, “No…”

    Commander Fey eyed him coldly.

    “Well, I don’t think Lieutenant Engarde liked me.  I was angry at him after some BFM we’d flown the week before last.”

    “Why were you angry at him?”

    “He was…  He was being reckless.  It seemed like he was trying to get me to crash my plane,” Phoenix said, “I was able to maneuver away from him, but I was injured because of it.  So yeah, I was kind of pissed.  Other than that I never had an issue with him.”

    “Do you know anyone who had a problem with Lieutenant Swallow?”

    “No.  He was a nice guy.”

    “Is there anything else you want to tell me?  Anything at all?”

    Phoenix looked at her worriedly, “I didn’t hurt anyone—I wasn’t even here.”

    “I believe you,” Commander Fey said, “Don’t worry about that.”



            “Are you okay?”

            “Yes, mom,” Phoenix said.

            “I really don’t know what else to say…  Have you talked with Miles?  Maybe he can help, he is a lawyer.”

            “He has to be certified to practice in this state…  I’m pretty sure he can’t just show up and be my lawyer.  I mean, I have a Navy lawyer—from the JAG Corps.  She seems like she knows what she’s doing.”

            “We’re trying to see what we can do,” Mom said, “They’ve put up a collection for us in town so we can try to fly out there.”

            “You really don’t have to,” Phoenix said.

            “Sometimes you have to accept help, you can’t try and figure it out on your own.”

            “You worry too much,” Phoenix said, “I haven’t done anything wrong, they’ve got nothing on me.”

            “How can you say that while they’ve got you in prison?”

            “I’m not in prison…” Phoenix rolled his eyes, “I’m in holding at the brig.  It’s different.”

            “Engarde is going to testify for the government,” Commander Fey said, “I need you to tell me if you and he had any problems—aside from the flight you mentioned.”

            Phoenix shook his head, “I mean he kind of picked on me at PT, but I thought it was just for fun.  You know, because I’m new.”

            Commander Fey stared at him waiting for more.  Phoenix swallowed, he was starting to sweat under that serious glare.

            “I guess he seemed kind of angry when he found out I was going to replace Doug at the Graduation.”

            “What do you mean?  Who’s graduation?”

            “At the Naval Academy,” Phoenix said, “They usually have a team do a fly over at the commencement ceremony, I was going to be on that team this year.  I was replacing Doug, but Engarde was the one who got upset.”

            “You don’t know anyone who might have had it out for Lieutenant Swallow?”

            Phoenix shook his head.


            “Dahlia Hawthorne?”

            “May I ask who’s calling?” Dahlia said.

            “My name is Tyrone Badd,” the caller said, “I’m a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, NCIS.”

            “Oh,” she said, “Hello.”

            “I have a few questions concerning an investigation in Virginia Beach, are you currently in Virginia?”

            “No, I’ve never been to Virginia,” Dahlia said.


            “That’s right,” Dahlia said.

            “Do you know Doug Swallow?”


            “Phoenix Wright?”

            “Um…” Dahlia said, “Yes.  I know Phoenix Wright.”


            “Sir,” Phoenix stood when he saw Commander Armando.  The commander motioned for him to sit and relax.  He had his coffee mug with him and set it on the table in front of him.

            “I just wanted to see how you were holding up?” the Commander said.

            “I’m fine,” Phoenix said, “I just wish I knew more about what’s going on.”

            Commander Armando shook his head, “I can’t say if I did…”

            “You believe me, sir,” Phoenix asked, “Don’t you?”

            “I doesn’t matter what we believe, does it?  All that matters is what can be proven.  I can talk about how bitter my coffee is, but you’ll never know until you’ve had some for yourself.”

            “Um… Yeah…”

            “I did look into something for you, but you are allowed to have a civilian lawyer, if you don’t think the counsel provided can provide an adequate defense.”

            “No, she’s good,” Phoenix said, “Mia… I mean Commander Fey is very good.  I trust her.”

            Commander Armando smiled and then took a draught from his coffee mug, “There’s a kitten with claws.”

            Phoenix thought it best not to respond to that.

            “I just hope this goes quickly,” The commander said, “Before it tears the squadron apart.”

            Phoenix nodded, “I’m sorry, sir…”

            “Stop it!  You should only be sorry if you’re guilty!”

            Phoenix looked at the commander and nodded.

            “I’ll be there at your Court Martial,” the commander said.

            “Thank you, sir,” Phoenix said, “I can’t wait for it to get started.  So we can get it over with.”


A/N:  Thanks for reading!  Everyone who reads this is awesome!  I love you all!

Sort of a short bridge chapter…

Happy New Year!  Wooo! 2014!


NWU-Navy Working Uniform – basically, Navy Camouflage uniform (it’s blue!)

MA-Master at Arms – Navy cops (Military Police or MP)

In courts martial, the trial counsel (prosecution) represents the United States governm

Disclaimer: Ace Attorney and all characters are copyright by CAPCOM; I’m just a fan imitating.  The stories presented are influenced by the multiple games as well as the comic (Manga written by Kenji Kuroda).

Phoenix Wright has finally made it as a fighter pilot and gets his first opportunity to fly with the big boys.  But the untimely murder of one of his fellow pilots throws a wrench in his plans.  Will Phoenix be found innocent in the looming Court Martial?
© 2014 - 2024 6gunSally
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